Friday, August 1, 2008

RD Exam

I PASSED!!! Why is this such a big deal??? This test was something I had been dreading for YEARS!!! Actually I dreaded going through school to get my bachelors too. Why? I don't know except that I believed many a lie from satan and was bound by fear. This stopped me in many things in the past until God said "ENOUGH!" This is a HUGE DEAL in the fact that this was not just a test of my knowledge of nutrition, it was a spiritual battle for whether or not I was going to believe that God has the strength to get me through anything (even if I don't) and will just have faith to let him prove it to me. So THANK YOU GOD for helping me pass!!!


Anonymous said...

We never doubted your success. You are going to help a lot of people and will be blessed in the process!

Way to Go Heater Poe! Way to go!

Unknown said...

We are so very PROUD of you Heather......We feel so lucky to have you and Gerry as part of our family. What a gift the both of you have been to us!
Looking forward to seeing you soon.
Love & Peace Jean & Bruce

Anonymous said...

YAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!! That is so exciting! Wow, imagine just working everyday and not having to do school too! What a concept :0)

-Jen Costello

PS - I got your voicemail - I was eating dinner when you called. Thanks for the info!!!

Anonymous said...

Heather, I have always been in your corner and believed in your abilities! Way to go! You are an awesome friend and will make an awesome counselor! Love, Julie

Bacon Writer said...

We were so excited to hear the news! Hooray, dear Heather! :) And now we get the pleasure of living by you ~ finally!!!!

Love you and am so proud of you, Amanda