Sunday, June 22, 2008

Back to Alaska!


Just out of the blue I decided to check with a few hospitals in Anchorage to see if, by chance, there were any RD jobs available. Mind you, I had been looking in 2007 and no prospects had revealed itself so I didn't expect much. To my surprise there were EIGHT RD positions available at only THREE hospitals. I simply couldn't help myself and had to apply. As it stands now I have two strong prospects, one at Providence and another at the Alaska Native Medical Center. I have had an unofficial interview with ANMC and will have an official one the second week of July. Providence only has a part time position open and needed to get creative to give the position a few more hours for me to really consider it. I will be following up with them in July as well.

I don't know what I was thinking because I am currently trying to cram in as much study time to pass my boards (the first week of August) and work at my current job (the VA hospital). I might have maxed myself out but I can't resist the thought of moving back to Alaska. I saw the chance and leaped for it!

So, it is very probable that we will be moving back to Alaska this fall (September-ish)! Keep me in your prayers as I study, tell my current job I am leaving (they will be very sad), pack up the house (by myself mind you, Gerry will be working over to make mulah for our move), and try to maintain my sanity!

I'll keep you posted!!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Look at him go...

Ha ha, look at Jasper just gettin' into it with the ice cream container. He was all over the living room with his head buried in melted drippings of vanilla ice cream. Such a goof ball!

Look at our little Booze-Hound

Of all things Jasper drools over it would be beer! Yep, he's our little "booz-hound".