Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I'm Done, I'm Done!!!

I thought this day would NE-VER come but alas it finally has. Yes, I am done with the RD internship and now will stop talking about it forevermore. What an adventure this year has been. Some very unexpected turn of events and many new understandings have come out of all the effort this internship took. Here's a quick re-cap....

End of July sometime 2007 - we move from Colorado Springs to Boise. Very sad to leave a great group of friends behind.

End of August - start internship, wow what did I get myself into?

Middle of October - hired on at the VA hospital, yippee! Didn't expect to stay in Idaho. We were going to move right back to Alaska in August of 2008. Guess God has other plans for us.

Beginning of November - start clinical rotation and it's a blur until February.

December-Januaryish - visit family and friends in Alaska, ahhhh thank goodness
a break!

February through May - finish up all rotations, learn alot, realize I REALLY LOVE clinical nutrition and long-term care, realize I don't fancy working in community health, can hardly wait until I am finished with "slave labor" and will be paid for my efforts.


Present Day - Must study for biggest exam of my life!

So here's to being done with yet another hurdle in life. I am so close to finishing up school FOREVER I can taste it. Wow what a day that will be to work, make money, save for a house....hmmmmm choices are good! Goodbye internship and so long. So sorry newly accepted interns....suckazzzz!

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