Sunday, November 9, 2008

It has been a long time....

Hello again everyone!

Life has been running at hurricane speed and I finally have a little time to tell you what has been going on.

First, I need to thank Julie Preston for bringing me back to blogging. She ever so nicely reminded me that there are still people who want to know the goings-on in our lives.

Second, I have been preoccupied with too many different avenues of communication. I have two different emails, a blog and a facebook account. I have found that I simply can't keep up with every single one so here's my plan of action. I will be getting rid of my account. It will be replaced with Make note everyone. EMAIL CHANGED!!!
I will also be checking my facebook account MUCH LESS! It can really be addicting when you get into it. So note this for at or a phone call is the best way to get ahold of me...NOT facebook or at my yahoo email account.

Whew, now thats's a little bit of the craziness of our lives.

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