Monday, July 14, 2008

Haakonson Family Reunion

Well, as many of you many know, family reunions can be a bit over whelming and chaotic. Ours was not much different, but SO very rewarding at the same time. We all met up at Grammie Jill's house in Redbluff, California the last week in June (some of us,, couldn't make it until mid-way through the week d/t that ol' responsibility spelled W-O-R-K). Anyhoo, it was full of people coming and going, many conversations spread throughout the house, kids playing in the yard, much feasting, and spirtual encouragement to last a lifetime!

Pictures will have to come at a later date as I have tried to upload them without success.

More to come on this!


Anonymous said...

What? You're Scandinavian (or is that German)? You just gained in my eyes. If that's possible :)

Poe-notes said...

Sure am, amongst the many other things in my Heinz 57 blood. Norweigen to specific! Uff-dah!