Saturday, August 25, 2007

This ain't skool anymore!

As you may know, I have FINALLY started my Dietetic Internship and let me tell ya...this ain't school anymore! When you start school as a young child of 5 years old school is defined as a place where you have to go for several hours to eat lunch, play recess, and maybe learn a few things. Then it progress into a place where you have homework and recesses disappear. Suddenly you graduate from high school and you find that now you have a I work or do I continue with school? Hmmmm, what a choice! Many of us do both because we find out that now we have to PAY for it. School is no longer "easy". We are now required to be responsible. I have found that a Dietetic Internship is also not just school as we remember it. It's a full time job wrapped up in many learning lectures and MANY assignments that have to be done at home if need be. It's a constant learning session that you have to pretend you know what you are doing because after all...we'll be managing other people! Yikes!!! We had orientation week for the internship and what a wake up call! After a few days of heart palpitations, sweaty palms, and nerves going hay-wire I calmed down to realized that I have an entire year to get all these projects done. Phew! So to all of you who read this blog I sincerely apologize now for neglecting this site and not posting many things here for the next year. This is just a new definition of school for me for now.

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