Tuesday, February 3, 2009

What to do!!?!?

Since finding out that there's a little poe-nut on the way, it has stirred up all kinds of chaos in our house. So many question, too few answers. Should we buy a house? (cause I'd really like to nest) Do we stay in Anchorage or move to the Valley? (cause housing in Anchorage is VERY expensive) Do we stay in Alaska or move back to warm, sunny Colorado Springs? (cause I'm going nuts in all this darkness) How long do I work before I quit my job? (cause it really helps having two incomes to save for a down payment on a house) When do I go back to work after baby comes? (cause I'm not eligible for the FML Act to receive 12 weeks paid vacation) Do I still try to do the Mayors Marathon in June, not run it of course but walk a 1/2. There's all these things scrambling around in my brain causing choas with my delicate emotional state (besides my raging hormones). PLEASE PRAY with us as we face so many HUGE life decisions in such a short amount of time. I am convinced God has it all figured out but we need to be attentive to his voice and get a clue too.


Anonymous said...

Definitely move to the valley :) I have no thoughts on any of your other questions, but this one is a sure thing!

Anonymous said...

I will pray for you to move back to sunny Boise. :) But, I'm sure whatever you choose will be great!
~Allie in Boise

P.S. I jogged by your old place yesterday. My car was getting serviced at Hill Rd Chevron and I thought..."I'll see if I can scope out who lives there now".

Sorry, nothing to report. :) But it kept my mind occupied as I ran.