Just because I'm moving in less than 6 days doesn't mean that I can't have a little Idaho-style fun before I leave. Sooooo, my friend Allison and I went on a little road trip through Stanley Wilderness Area and Sun Vally to take in some of Idaho's most bragged about scenery. We hiked over 15 miles in two days (probably more like 20 but who's counting) to several lakes in Stanley and up Baldy mountain in Sun Valley. We had the pleasure of staying in Ali's friends cabin at a lutheran camp, which name I am neglecting to remember, thus declining the opportunity to camp out in 30 degree weather. Brrrrr! (I'm sure you Alaskans are laughing at me right now, 30 degrees is nothin' right?) Enjoy the pictures as they will likely be the last you will see of Idaho on this blog.

Sawtooth Mountains

More Sawtooth Mountains

Me, Allison & Kim

Famous Stanley Baking Company (at least to Idahoans)

Pretty mountain lake (I think it's called Bench Lake)

Allison & Kim

Allison caught me being silly on the camera.

Baldi Mountain (also the ski moutnain in Sun Valley). It looks tiny but it really is HUGE! You can ski on the back side, on another mountain connedting to the back side and beyond. I bet if you tried to ski all the different runs it would take you a day to do it. That's big!
1 comment:
Nice bootaaay Heather! Only I can say that right?! ha. I miss our fun trips and hikes! Can't wait to see ya, hopefully this spring after baby Abigail comes and we will put her in pack and go! Happy packing! Miss ya!
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