Merry Belated Christmas to Everyone!Again this year flew by and I hardly had enough time to breathe. Thus the christmas cards I had hoped to send to everyone once again did not get to the mail, much less created. So, here's our christmas card via blog yet again.
2008 EventsGerry:
1-Promoted to Coordinator/Planner on the slope in July
2-As we moved to Alaska, he is enjoying not commuting via airport/airplane anylonger
3-Went to Dallas, TX to experience another NASCAR race in November
4-Turned the big 31 this year in May
1-Graduated from internship/residency in May
2-Passed National RD Boards August 1st! YEAH!
3-As we moved to Alaska, she accepted a clinical acute care RD position at ANMC
4-Longs for warm sunshine as Alaska is VERY COLD (or she's become a light weight)
Gerry & Heather Highlights:
1-Went to the Boise Humane Society and picked up Jasper in January
2-Went to Utah to visit numerous National Parks in May
3-Decided to move back to Alaska, moved in September
4-Went to Haakonson Reunion in June
5-God provided housesitting job for winter in Alaska
6-Finally got out of debt!!! Big victory!
7-Bought a new car...we're now a 2 car family for the first time ever!
What will 2009 bring???
A house? A baby? A new job? A vacation to someplace warm? Who knows but our Lord and Savior. I thank him daily for this journey called life he continues to lead us in. We are grateful for the many blessings of 2008 and are excited about what is to come in 2009!
Merry Christmas everyone and Happy 2009!